My name is Charlotte. Ever since I was a baby I spent the summers in Sylt, an island in northern Germany. I soon began to collect, color and sell shells at Buhne 16, a local beach. I was three years old back then and made a tradition out of it. However, after a while I got bored. So I tried hard to come up with a new idea, but could not think of one until the following incident: When trying on my favorite summer dress, I realized that it had become too small. So what was I going to do with the dress? I thought about giving it to someone else, but I liked it too much. My mother then suggested to recycle it into something new. One week has passed, when I suddenly had the inspiration to tear the dress into different pieces and weave them into bracelets/ wristbands (welches wort benutzt ihr?) So a new project was born and the colored shells were soon forgotten. The first sale already was a huge success. Over the course of the summer, the word spread and more and more people asked me where they could buy the wristbands outside of Sylt. Many asked whether one could get them online, which then prompted me to think of an online store. An online store, really? That seemed to be so far away. My own internet store? What a cool idea! Nevertheless my mother had to explain to me, that 12year old girls are not permitted to have a website of their own. That was bad news. The good news were: 12 year old girls are permitted to have a website with their mother together. Yippee!!! Now my mother and I together own sylt-boheme.de. Cool! Hopefully you enjoy it as much as I do!!!